The answer to alleviating these headaches is to replace outsourcing with nearshoring. To take it a step further, onshoring also offers similar benefits.
Both onshoring and nearshoring streamline your businesses by keeping your project close—even though it is still partially supported in another geographical area. Some benefits of shifting to nearshoring include working with a lower cost organization, collaborating more closely with project teams and reducing cultural differences.
Lower your costs
Businesses that move to a nearshoring or onshoring strategy can save considerable money. For example, reductions in labor and freight spending create a great deal of cost savings. Traveling costs are also lessened due to reducing the need to travel as often or to distant destinations. Your business can rest easy with technological solutions that come at a significant savings—this may include fees for software development, business modeling, design services and third-party integrations.
Speed-up deliverables
Benefit from your closer proximity
Onshoring allows for more day-to-day physical oversight by bringing your teams closer. By being in closer proximity, project teams can have more frequent face-to-face meetings that will positively increase productivity, peer relationships and the collaborative quality. If you are nearshoring, many major U.S. airports have direct flights to locations that are frequently selected for nearshoring. So, instead of wasting an entire workday on a plane, travel takes only a few hours for face-to-face meetings.
Onshoring and nearshoring can also give you the added benefit of working in the same time zone. This eliminates the inconvenience of working overtime or during odd hours to synchronize meetings or respond in a timely fashion. Working in the same time zone allows the teams to work cohesively to keep the project on track and solve issues quickly. Operating within the time zone of your business helps you get the answers, updates and business results exactly when you need them.
Less cultural divide
Businesses that leverage nearshoring or onshoring partnerships will bridge cultural gaps. Your business and your nearshoring partner will face fewer problems regarding the cultural and work differences, because you will have more in common with your culture and values. Most nearshore countries have friendly ties with the U.S. due to the frequency of trade and tourism, which creates more familiarity with each other’s culture and language. Onshoring partnerships practically eliminate cultural challenges. In either scenario, you are a stronger partner and set up for success to achieve project goals and collaborate effectively on future business ventures.
As a business that is primarily onshore, Weil & Jones gives you the opportunity outsource some of your business processes to us. This gives you the benefits of a strategic, invested partnership that is primarily located in the same country. Weil & Jones offers you a domestic presence to leverage an excellent cultural fit between your customers and team. In addition, we deliver custom-tailored technology services that give you the benefits of nearshoring, as well as much more.
For more information on how you can use our consulting services to evolve your business, contact Weil & Jones for an initial consultation at business@weiljones.com or +1 (646) 472-7900.